The majority of the population use computers and mobile devices to search data and to perform and store data processes but does the majority of the population know the importance of data backup? Here are our top 10 reasons for data backup:
1. Data Loss Prevention
We’ve all heard about or experienced a tragic loss of data. The main reason for data backup is to save important files if a system crash or hard drive failure occurs.
2. Operation Plan B
There should be additional data backups if the original backups result in data corruption or hard drive failure. This option is best done via the cloud or offsite storage. Additional backups are necessary if natural or man-made disasters occur. Storms and warfare can lead to the destruction of servers and computers due to fires and floods. Luckily, we are in the age of cloud technology, where backup your data has become easier and more secure than ever before.
3. Tax Reporting and Audits
Tax authorities are notorious for audits. Laws differ among countries, but it is important for companies to save financial and accounting data for tax reporting purposes. With data backup, companies can save face during audits.
4. Client Relationship
Saved information improves client relationship management, which leads to increased marketing and sales. Additionally, saved client information builds trust and value of a company.
5. Investor Relations
Per investor relations, data backup reduces the tedious time to compile annual reports to shareholders. Saved information symbolizes a company's due diligence and organization. Without data backup, shareholders cannot make informed decisions or determine a company's value.
6. Archiving
Backed up information streamlines the development of archives. With digital information, company history is in the making.
7. Competitive Gain
Saved company data can be a competitive advantage because there are many businesses that fail to data backup important information.
8. Improved Productivity
With existing backed up files, companies improve productivity by reducing wasted time. Archived files lead to comparative studies of the past and present to devise a more effective plan.
9. No Wasted Time
Data backup reduces ‘wasted time’ by preventing repetitions. Thus, employees do not have to rewrite reports.
10. Peace of Mind
Regular data backups lead to peace of mind. In the event, a cybercrime, system crashes or disasters occur, there is a backup ready to go to restart a company's archive. It is never too late to start saving important company data. In the end, data backup is necessary to save the business from losing investors and customers and closing down.
Swift Digital has over 19 years experience in the IT Support, IT Consultancy and Website Design and Development arenas. We pride ourselves on offering our clients the very best in Dynamic IT Support and Cloud Services. We offer 15 minute technical response times on all cases raised and all our contracts are totally unlimited, there is only one monthly fee.
Get in touch today on 020 8447 4540 to see how we can streamline your IT helping your business to soar.
Blog article date:
2 nd
Oct 2017
Posted by TG
Tags data backup
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